clavicímbano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clavicímbano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Usage in Spanish

The word "clavicímbano" is used in the Spanish language, particularly in more academic or formal contexts. It is related to the field of music, specifically referring to an instrument called a harpsichord. This term is more commonly found in written texts or when discussing classical music rather than in everyday conversation.


  1. El clavicímbano que utilizó en la presentación de anoche es una réplica de un instrumento del siglo XVIII.
    The harpsichord he used in last night's performance is a replica of an instrument from the 18th century.

  2. Las cuerdas del clavicímbano necesitan ser reemplazadas antes del concierto de la próxima semana.
    The strings of the harpsichord need to be replaced before next week's concert.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the term "clavicímbano" is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions. However, here are a few examples of idiomatic expressions related to music in Spanish:

  1. Estar afinado como un clavicímbano
    To be in perfect tune (literally: to be tuned like a harpsichord)

  2. Ponerse a cantar la Traviata a clavicímbano cerrado
    To go through a hard time (literally: to start singing Traviata with a closed harpsichord)


The word "clavicímbano" comes from the fusion of two words: "clavicordio" (clavichord) and "címbalo" (cymbal). This combination reflects the nature of the instrument itself, which produces sound by means of strings being plucked and similar to a cymbal.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Clavicordio (Clavichord)

- Piano (Piano), Organo (Organ)