clientela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clientela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "clientela" is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "clientela" refers to the body of clients or customers that a business or professional service attracts and serves. The word implies a group of individuals who regularly use the services or products of a particular business, reflecting loyalty and continuity in the customer-business relationship.

"Clientela" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in written forms such as reports, business documents, and advertising.

Example Sentences

  1. La nueva estrategia de marketing ha aumentado considerablemente nuestra clientela.
  2. The new marketing strategy has significantly increased our clientele.

  3. La clientela de este restaurante suele ser muy exigente.

  4. The clientele of this restaurant tends to be very demanding.

  5. Para mantener su clientela, la empresa ofrece descuentos exclusivos.

  6. To maintain its clientele, the company offers exclusive discounts.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "clientela" itself might not form many idiomatic expressions directly, it is often used in various contexts that reflect business relationships and customer interactions. Here are some relevant phrases and expressions that include the concept of "clientela".

Example Sentences with Expressions

  1. "Cuando hay buena clientela, los negocios prosperan."
  2. "When there's a good clientele, businesses prosper."

  3. "El dueño del local siempre cuida la clientela habitual."

  4. "The owner of the place always takes care of the regular clientele."

  5. "La calidad del servicio es fundamental para fidelizar a la clientela."

  6. "The quality of service is essential to retain the clientele."

  7. "La clientela se siente atraída por la atención personalizada."

  8. "The clientele is attracted by the personalized attention."

  9. "Una adecuada gestión de la clientela puede incrementar las ventas."

  10. "Proper management of the clientele can increase sales."

  11. "La clientela espera que los precios sean justos."

  12. "The clientele expects the prices to be fair."


The term "clientela" is derived from the Latin word "clientela", which means "the relationship between a client and a patron." This term historically originates from "cliens," meaning "client," and denotes a protective relationship, where the patron provides support or protection to the client.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Clientado - Clientes

Antonyms: - Proveedores (suppliers) - Competencia (competition)

This information should provide a comprehensive understanding of the term "clientela" in both general and legal contexts.
