clip - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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clip (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "clip" in Spanish is typically used as a noun, and it can refer to various types of clips (such as paper clips, hair clips, etc.).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Clip
  2. Fastener
  3. Pin

Meaning and Usage

The term "clip" in Spanish can denote different objects used to hold things together or to secure items in place. It is used widely in both oral and written contexts, particularly in technical or artistic environments where such items are relevant. The frequency of use correlates with the context - for example, in office settings referring to paper clips or in fashion referring to hair clips.

Example Sentences

  1. "Necesito un clip para mantener juntos estos papeles."
    "I need a clip to keep these papers together."

  2. "Ella se puso un clip en el cabello."
    "She put a clip in her hair."

  3. "El diseñador usó un clip para sujetar la tela."
    "The designer used a clip to hold the fabric."

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "clip" doesn't feature prominently in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, other words for clips or similar items might be included in phrases.

  1. "Estar a clip"
    "To be in a bind"
    (This phrase could imply being in a tight situation where one is secured or limited by options, similar to being clipped down.)

  2. "Ir de clip"
    "To proceed swiftly"
    (This implies that something is happening quickly, as a clip moves along the edge of something.)

  3. "Darle un clip a un asunto"
    "To wrap up a matter"
    (Implying that one is putting a conclusion on something, clipping it together.)


The word "clip" was derived from the English language, adapted from the verb "clip," meaning to fasten or attach something. It retains similar meanings across different languages due to its modern usage related to technology and office decor.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sujetador (holder) - Broche (clutch) - Pinza (pinch)

Antonyms: - Desprender (release) - Aflojar (loosen)

This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the word "clip" in the Spanish language across various contexts.
