cloaca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cloaca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cloaca" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet: /kloˈaka/

Translation Options into English

  1. Cloaca
  2. Sewer
  3. Drain

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cloaca" refers primarily to a waste canal or sewer, often discussed in both general and medical contexts. In medicine, it can refer to the biomechanical and embryological aspects related to waste management systems in certain organisms, such as amphibians and reptiles, where it serves as a common opening for excretory and reproductive tracts. The term is used relatively frequently in technical or academic discussions but less frequently in everyday conversation.

It is more common in written contexts, particularly in texts related to biology and sanitation.

Example Sentences

  1. La cloaca de la ciudad necesita una limpieza urgente.
    (The city's sewer needs urgent cleaning.)

  2. En los vertebrados, la cloaca es un órgano que se utiliza para excretar desechos.
    (In vertebrates, the cloaca is an organ used to excrete waste.)

  3. Los investigadores estudiaron las características de la cloaca en diferentes especies de ranas.
    (Researchers studied the characteristics of the cloaca in different species of frogs.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cloaca" is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions. However, there are a few terms and phrases that involve its meaning or related themes:

  1. No es mi cloaca.
    (It's not my sewer.)
    Meaning: It's not my responsibility.

  2. Hacer cloaca.
    (To make a sewer.)
    Meaning: To create a problematic situation, often involving unresolved issues or waste.

  3. Desaguar en la cloaca.
    (To drain into the sewer.)
    Meaning: To let out negative feelings or emotions in an unproductive way.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No es mi cloaca; tú deberías encargarte de eso.
    (It's not my responsibility; you should take care of that.)

  2. La reunión se convirtió en un desaguar en la cloaca, donde nadie estaba escuchando al otro.
    (The meeting turned into a drainage into the sewer, where no one was listening to the other.)

  3. Ella se queja mucho, parece que quiere hacer cloaca de toda la situación.
    (She complains a lot; it seems like she wants to create a problematic situation out of the whole situation.)


The term "cloaca" comes from Latin "cloāca," which means "sewer" or "drain." The Latin word is derived from "claudere," meaning "to shut" or "to close," indicating its role in managing waste.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Drenaje (Drainage)
  2. Alcantarilla (Sewer)
  3. Desagüe (Drain)


  1. Fuente (Source)
  2. Manantial (Spring)

In summary, "cloaca" is a versatile term used in both general and scientific contexts, reflecting its significance in anatomy and waste management systems. Although idiomatic expressions involving "cloaca" are limited, it still conveys important cultural and linguistic nuances in Spanish.
