cloruro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cloruro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cloruro" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Cloruro" refers to a chemical compound that consists of chlorine and another element or radical, usually forming a salt. In a broader context, it is commonly encountered in chemistry, especially in the discussion of ionic compounds.

This term is frequently used in scientific literature, particularly in chemistry and medicine, and can also be heard in oral discussions, especially in academic or professional contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El cloruro de sodio es comúnmente conocido como sal.
  2. Sodium chloride is commonly known as salt.

  3. Se añadió cloruro de potasio a la solución para equilibrar los electrolitos.

  4. Potassium chloride was added to the solution to balance the electrolytes.

  5. El cloruro de calcio se utiliza como deshidratante en varias aplicaciones industriales.

  6. Calcium chloride is used as a dehydrating agent in various industrial applications.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cloruro" itself is not a primary component of fixed idiomatic expressions, it appears in some specific contexts related to chemistry or medicine. Below are some relevant phrases using "cloruro" in various contexts:

  1. El cloruro de magnesio puede ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento deportivo.
  2. Magnesium chloride can help improve athletic performance.

  3. Asegúrate de manejar el cloruro de amonio con precaución en el laboratorio.

  4. Make sure to handle ammonium chloride with caution in the laboratory.

  5. El cloruro de bencilo se utiliza en la síntesis de compuestos orgánicos.

  6. Benzyl chloride is used in the synthesis of organic compounds.


The word "cloruro" comes from the Spanish "cloro," which is derived from the Greek word "chloros" (χλωρός), meaning "green." This etymology reflects the greenish color associated with chlorine gas. The suffix "-uro" typically denotes a salt or compound formed from the corresponding acid.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sal (in the context of a salt compound) - Compuesto de cloro (chlorine compound)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms, as "cloruro" describes a specific type of chemical compound. However, in broader chemical contexts, you might refer to: - Oxígeno (oxygen) as a contrasting element in certain contexts but not as a direct antonym.

Overall, "cloruro" is a significant term in chemistry and related fields, widely used in various contexts, from medicine to industry.
