coartada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coartada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "coartada" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Coartada" refers to a justification or excuse that someone provides to account for their whereabouts at a particular time, especially to avoid being implicated in a crime. It is commonly used in legal contexts and discussions related to criminal investigations.

Frequency of Use

This term is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish, particularly in legal discussions, crime stories, and police reports. Its usage may be somewhat more prevalent in written texts due to its formal context.

Example Sentences

  1. El sospechoso presentó una coartada durante el interrogatorio.
  2. The suspect provided an alibi during the interrogation.

  3. Sin una coartada sólida, era difícil demostrar su inocencia.

  4. Without a solid alibi, it was difficult to prove his innocence.

  5. La coartada del acusado no coincidía con los testimonios de los testigos.

  6. The defendant's alibi did not match the testimonies of the witnesses.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Coartada" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, but it connects with certain phrases in legal discussions. Here are some expressions and example sentences:

  1. No tener coartada: To not have an alibi.
  2. No tenía coartada en el momento del crimen, por lo que fue arrestado.
  3. He didn’t have an alibi at the time of the crime, so he was arrested.

  4. Fabricar una coartada: To fabricate or create an alibi.

  5. Se descubrió que había fabricado una coartada para escapar de la responsabilidad.
  6. It was discovered that he had fabricated an alibi to escape responsibility.

  7. Coartadas débiles: Weak alibis.

  8. Las coartadas débiles no son suficientes para convencer al jurado.
  9. Weak alibis are not enough to convince the jury.


The word "coartada" comes from the Spanish verb "coartar," which means "to restrict" or "to limit." The etymology reflects the idea of limiting one's exposure to blame or guilt through an excuse that restricts the possessor's involvement in an event or action—often a crime.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Justificación (justification) - Excusa (excuse)

Antonyms: - Culpabilidad (guilt) - Inculpación (implication)
