coavalista - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coavalista (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English


The word "coavalista" refers to a person who shares the criminal responsibility in a legal case or criminal action with one or more individuals. It is used to describe a co-defendant or joint defendant who faces charges alongside others in the legal process. This term is more commonly used in written legal documents or discussions rather than in everyday oral speech. The frequency of use is moderate in legal contexts.

Example sentences

  1. Los dos acusados fueron identificados como coavalistas en el caso de fraude.
  2. The two accused were identified as co-defendants in the fraud case.

  3. La defensa de los coavalistas argumentó que no había pruebas suficientes en su contra.

  4. The defense of the co-defendants argued that there was not enough evidence against them.

Idiomatic expressions

The term "coavalista" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


The word "coavalista" is derived from the prefix "co-" meaning "together with" or "jointly" and the noun "avalista" which translates to "guarantor" or "endorser" in English. When combined, it signifies a person who shares the liability or responsibility with others in a legal context.

Synonyms and Antonyms