coaxial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coaxial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "coaxial" refers to something that consists of two or more cylindrical objects that share a common axis. In a general context, it is often used to describe cables, antennas, and other technical equipment that have this structural feature.

In military contexts, "coaxial" may refer to coaxial machine guns or weapon systems that are aligned with the axis of a vehicle or aircraft, enhancing their functionality by providing a streamlined design.

It has a moderate frequency of use, primarily in technical and engineering discussions. The term is more commonly found in written contexts such as manuals, specifications, and academic texts rather than in casual spoken language.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

While "coaxial" itself isn't widely used in idiomatic expressions, its use in specific contexts implies several technical phrases.

  1. Mensajería coaxial
  2. La mensajería coaxial permite la transmisión de señales de manera eficiente.
  3. Coaxial messaging allows for efficient signal transmission.

  4. Cable coaxial de alta fidelidad

  5. Estamos instalando un cable coaxial de alta fidelidad para el sistema de sonido.
  6. We are installing a high-fidelity coaxial cable for the sound system.

  7. Conexiones coaxiales

  8. Las conexiones coaxiales son cruciales para mantener la integridad de la red.
  9. Coaxial connections are crucial for maintaining network integrity.


The term "coaxial" is derived from the Latin words "co-" meaning "together" and "axis" meaning "axle" or "axis." The combination suggests objects that share a common axis or are aligned together.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Concentric (when referring to circles or cylindrical objects) - Axial (in specific contexts)

Antonyms: - Eccentric (referring to objects that do not share a common axis)

In summary, "coaxial" is a technical adjective used in various contexts related to engineering and military applications, primarily describing structures aligned along a common axis. It does not have widespread idiomatic use but appears in some technical phrases relevant to its application.
