cobaya - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cobaya (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cobaya" primarily refers to the small domesticated rodent, known in English as a "guinea pig." These animals are often kept as pets and are used in scientific research due to their docile nature. In a broader sense, "cobaya" can also be used to reference someone serving as a test subject in experiments or trials. The term is common in both oral and written contexts, found frequently in discussions about pets, animal care, and scientific research.

Example Sentences

  1. Tengo una cobaya que se llama Pepa.
    I have a guinea pig named Pepa.

  2. Las cobayas son mascotas muy cariñosas.
    Guinea pigs are very affectionate pets.

  3. En el laboratorio, usan cobayas para realizar experimentos.
    In the laboratory, they use guinea pigs for experiments.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cobaya" is not a common component of many idiomatic expressions, it can occasionally appear in phrases that imply being used as a test subject or guinea pig in trials or experiments. These expressions often convey feelings of uncertainty or a lack of control:

  1. Soy la cobaya de este nuevo tratamiento.
    I am the guinea pig for this new treatment.

  2. No quiero ser la cobaya en su experimento social.
    I don’t want to be the guinea pig in your social experiment.

  3. Siempre me eligen como la cobaya para probar sus ideas.
    They always choose me as the guinea pig to try out their ideas.


The term "cobaya" comes from the Arawakan word "kobaya," which is used by indigenous peoples of South America. The name has been adopted into Spanish and refers to the same small rodent that has been domesticated and bred for various purposes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cuy (used in some regions to refer specifically to the animal) - Porcellus (Latin term often referred in scientific contexts)

Antonyms: - Predator (as it denotes a different category of animal) - Animal model (though related, it refers more to the concept of using animals for testing rather than the specific animal itself)

In the broader spectrum of idiomatic expressions, "cobaya" may not appear frequently as a standalone term but can be contextually relevant in discussions about experimentation and the use of living subjects in research.
