cobertizo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cobertizo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cobertizo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term cobertizo refers to a structure or shelter that provides protection, typically from the weather. It can be a small shed used for storing tools, equipment, or other items, and is often found in gardens or backyards.

In general usage, cobertizo can signify any roofed structure that serves to cover or protect. The term can be used in various contexts including general, agricultural, or military, where a temporary shelter might be needed.

Frequency of Use: The word is moderately frequented in both written and oral contexts, especially in discussions related to home improvement, gardening, and outdoor activities.

Example Sentences

  1. El cobertizo del jardín necesita una nueva capa de pintura.
  2. The garden shed needs a new coat of paint.

  3. Los trabajadores se refugiaron en el cobertizo durante la tormenta.

  4. The workers took shelter in the shed during the storm.

  5. Mi abuelo tiene un cobertizo lleno de herramientas antiguas.

  6. My grandfather has a shed full of old tools.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cobertizo" is not commonly used in well-established idiomatic expressions, it can appear in colloquial phrases or metaphoric contexts related to protection or shelter.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No te preocupes, siempre tendrás un cobertizo para protegerte de la tormenta.
  2. Don't worry, you will always have a shed to protect you from the storm. (Meaning: A metaphorical gesture of offering protection or support.)

  3. Ella hizo del cobertizo su refugio del estrés de la vida diaria.

  4. She made the shed her refuge from the stress of daily life. (Meaning: Creating a personal space to escape pressures.)

  5. En tiempos difíciles, es bueno tener un cobertizo al que acudir.

  6. In hard times, it’s good to have a shed to go to. (Meaning: Having a safe place or support during tough times.)


The word cobertizo originates from the Spanish word cobertizo, which comes from the verb cobertir, meaning "to cover." The suffix “-izo” is often used in Spanish to imply a material or a location related to the root verb.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Marquesina (canopy) - Refugio (refuge) - Almacén (storage)

Antonyms: - Descubierto (uncovered) - Expuesto (exposed)
