cobijar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cobijar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cobijar" refers to the act of covering something, providing protection, or concealing it. It can be used in both a literal sense, such as covering with a blanket, or in a metaphorical sense, like providing emotional support or shielding someone from difficulties. The frequency of use of "cobijar" is moderate, used in both written and oral contexts but may be more commonly heard in everyday speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Cobijar a un niño con una manta es muy importante en invierno.
    Covering a child with a blanket is very important in winter.

  2. El gobierno decidió cobijar a los refugiados que llegaron al país.
    The government decided to shelter the refugees who arrived in the country.

  3. Me siento feliz de que mi amiga siempre se ofrezca a cobijarme cuando estoy triste.
    I feel happy that my friend always offers to shelter me when I am sad.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "cobijar" itself is not commonly part of established idiomatic expressions, it has conceptual links with a few phrases that relate to help, protection, or support. Below are sentences employing related concepts where "cobijar" aligns with the meaning of providing cover or support.

  1. El amor de una madre siempre sabe cómo cobijar a sus hijos.
    A mother's love always knows how to shelter its children.

  2. A veces, necesitamos un amigo que nos pueda cobijar en los momentos difíciles.
    Sometimes we need a friend who can shelter us in difficult times.

  3. La ley debe cobijar a todos los ciudadanos por igual.
    The law must shelter all citizens equally.

  4. Es fundamental cobijar nuestras tradiciones para no perder nuestra identidad.
    It is essential to shelter our traditions so we do not lose our identity.

  5. Los árboles en el parque son una forma natural de cobijar a los paseantes del sol.
    The trees in the park are a natural way to shelter walkers from the sun.


The word "cobijar" comes from the Latin "cābīculum," which means "small house" or "place to sleep." The Latin term evolved through the Old Spanish language, where it came to refer specifically to the action of covering or providing shelter.



This comprehensive overview of "cobijar" should provide insightful details about its use, meaning, and relevance in the Spanish language, particularly in general contexts and in settings like Cuba.
