"Cobrarse" is a verb in Spanish. It is a reflexive verb, meaning that the action is performed by the subject upon themselves.
The verb "cobrarse" can be translated into English primarily as: - to collect (a debt, payment) - to take (revenge, or a toll in a figurative sense) - to be paid (usually referent to services rendered)
"Cobrarse" primarily refers to the act of collecting a debt or payment that is owed. It can also imply claiming something due, whether it's financial or metaphorical, such as making someone pay for past wrongdoings. The word is commonly used in both written and spoken contexts, though it might occur more frequently in economic or financial discussions.
El banco se cobrará el préstamo a fin de mes.
The bank will collect the loan at the end of the month.
Al final, Javier decidió cobrarse la deuda que le debía su amigo.
In the end, Javier decided to collect the debt that his friend owed him.
La vida puede cobrarse muchas cosas si no somos cuidadosos.
Life can take a lot from us if we are not careful.
"Cobrarse" is integral to several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly those involving the notion of vengeance or payment for actions. Here are a few examples:
Este año planeo cobrarme la venganza que me prometí.
This year I plan to take the revenge that I promised myself.
Cobrarse el esfuerzo
Después de tanto trabajo, finalmente pude cobrarse el esfuerzo en forma de reconocimiento.
After so much work, I was finally able to reap the rewards of my effort in the form of recognition.
Cobrarse una vida
La guerra cobró muchas vidas y dejó una profunda huella en la sociedad.
The war took many lives and left a deep mark on society.
Cobrarse el trato
The term "cobrarse" is derived from the verb "cobrar," which comes from the Latin "cobrāre," meaning "to gather" or "to claim." The reflexive form indicates that the action of collecting or claiming is directed back to the subject.
Synonyms: - Recaudar (to collect) - Percibir (to receive, often a payment) - Exigir (to demand)
Antonyms: - Dejar de lado (to disregard) - No cobrar (to not collect) - Omitir (to omit)