cochinilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cochinilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

Cochinilla refers primarily to a type of small insect known for producing cochineal dye, which is used for coloring foods, cosmetics, and textiles. In zoology, it is specifically identified as Scale insect or Dactylopius coccus, while in colloquial Spanish, "cochinilla" can also refer to various types of small bugs or insects.

Cochinilla is used both in oral and written contexts, with a slight preference for written contexts, particularly in scientific discussions, cuisine, and discussions regarding textiles.

Example Sentences

  1. Las cochinillas se utilizan para producir colorantes naturales.
    Cochineals are used to produce natural dyes.

  2. En la granja, observamos muchas cochinillas en las hojas de las plantas.
    In the farm, we observed many bugs on the leaves of the plants.

  3. El color rojo que ves en muchos alimentos proviene de la cochinilla.
    The red color that you see in many foods comes from the cochineal.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cochinilla" is not typically the focus of many idiomatic expressions, it is frequently used in cultural and culinary contexts. Here are a few related idiomatic expressions:

  1. "No hay color fuera de la cochinilla."
    "There is no color outside of cochineal."
    Meaning: It refers to something that is essential or fundamental, especially regarding color.

  2. "Sabe a cochinilla, pero es un manjar."
    "It tastes like cochineal, but it is a delicacy."
    Meaning: Things may not appear appealing but can still be of high quality or delicious.

  3. "El mundo es un mar de cochinillas."
    "The world is a sea of cochineals."
    Meaning: It suggests that there are many small issues or troubles in life that can seem overwhelming.


The term cochinilla has its origins in the Latin word "coccinus," which means "red" or "scarlet." This is related to the Greek word "kokkos," meaning "berry," referring to the small scale insects that produced the red dye, which has been used since ancient times in both the Americas and Europe.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Cochinilla is primarily significant in discussions surrounding entomology, natural dyes, and culinary arts, illustrating its multifaceted relevance in the Spanish language and culture.
