cochitril - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cochitril (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term cochitril in Spanish refers primarily to a filthy or disorganized place, often likened to a pigsty due to its untidy appearance. It conveys a strong sense of disorder or squalor. The word is primarily used in more informal or colloquial contexts, often describing a very messy room or living condition. Its frequency of use may be more prevalent in oral speech, especially in casual conversations and regional dialects.

Example Sentences

  1. La casa de Juan parecía un cochitril después de la fiesta.
    Juan's house looked like a pigsty after the party.

  2. No puedo trabajar en este cochitril; necesito organizar mi escritorio.
    I can't work in this mess; I need to organize my desk.

  3. Los niños dejan su habitación como un cochitril todos los días.
    The children leave their room looking like a mess every day.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cochitril" may not appear frequently in idiomatic expressions, but it can be incorporated into colloquial phrases relating to messiness or disorder. Here are some examples:

  1. "Vas a vivir en un cochitril si no limpias tu cuarto."
    "You're going to live in a pigsty if you don't clean your room."

  2. "Esa fiesta terminó en un cochitril, todo quedó desordenado."
    "That party ended up in a mess; everything was left disorganized."

  3. "No quiero ir a tu casa, siempre parece un cochitril."
    "I don't want to go to your house; it always looks like a pigsty."

  4. "Después de la tormenta, el jardín se convirtió en un cochitril."
    "After the storm, the garden turned into a mess."

  5. "Con tantos juguetes por el suelo, la sala parece un cochitril."
    "With so many toys on the floor, the living room looks like a pigsty."


The origin of the word "cochitril" can be traced back to the Spanish word "cochino," which means "pig," combined with the diminutive suffix "-tril." Thus, it literally refers to a small, filthy place associated with pigs.

Synonyms and Antonyms


