cocido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cocido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "cocido" in Spanish generally refers to a traditional dish consisting of meat, vegetables, and legumes that are simmered together. It can also function adjectivally to describe something that has been cooked. In the context of polytechnical use, it may describe a specific cooking method or dietary preparation.

"Cocido" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it appears more often in culinary discussions, recipes, restaurant menus, and cultural references.

Example Sentences

  1. El cocido madrileño es un plato típico de la capital de España.
  2. The Madrilenian stew is a typical dish from the capital of Spain.

  3. Me encanta el cocido que prepara mi abuela.

  4. I love the stew my grandmother makes.

  5. Hicimos un cocido para la cena de esta noche.

  6. We made a stew for tonight's dinner.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cocido" is also present in several idiomatic expressions that reflect cultural attitudes or situations.

  1. Estar como un cocido.
  2. To be like a stew.
  3. This phrase is used to describe someone who is feeling very hot or uncomfortable, as a stew can be quite hot.

  4. Cocido en casa, manjar en la calle.

  5. Stew at home, a delicacy in the street.
  6. This expression emphasizes that sometimes what is simple at home (like a stew) becomes something more appreciated or celebrated outside.

  7. Hacer un cocido.

  8. To make a stew.
  9. This can also mean to complicate a situation unnecessarily, much like adding too many ingredients to a cooking pot.

  10. Un cocido de mil colores.

  11. A stew of a thousand colors.
  12. This expression is used to indicate a situation that is very diverse or mixed in nature.


The word "cocido" comes from the Spanish verb "cocinar," which means "to cook." Its roots can be traced back to Latin "coquere," which also means "to cook." The evolution from "cocido" as a past participle to a noun signifies a dish that has been cooked.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive examination of "cocido" showcases its versatility in usage, cultural significance, and linguistic characteristics in the Spanish language.
