coco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "coco" is primarily a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "coco" in the International Phonetic Alphabet is /ˈkoko/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "coco" most commonly refers to "coconut," a tropical fruit with a hard shell and white flesh, which is widely used for culinary purposes, as well as for its water and oil.

In some colloquial contexts, particularly in certain regions, "coco" can refer to a person's head (often in a playful or informal way), or be used in expressions that imply nonsense or craziness.

The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more commonly in informal or colloquial speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El coco es una fruta tropical deliciosa y refrescante.
  2. The coconut is a delicious and refreshing tropical fruit.

  3. Me golpeé el coco cuando me caí de la bicicleta.

  4. I hit my head when I fell off my bike.

  5. Su idea es un verdadero coco, no tiene sentido.

  6. His idea is pure nonsense; it doesn't make sense.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "coco" is part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly in some regions.

  1. No tener un coco (en su lugar)
  2. Translation: "To not have a head (on straight)."
  3. Meaning: To act foolishly or senselessly.

  4. Coco loco

  5. Translation: "Crazy head."
  6. Meaning: Describes someone who is acting wildly or nonsensically.

  7. Estar en el coco

  8. Translation: "To be in the head."
  9. Meaning: To be mentally affected or preoccupied with something.

  10. Coco en la luna

  11. Translation: "Head in the clouds."
  12. Meaning: Refers to someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention to reality.

  13. Dar coco

  14. Translation: "To hit the head."
  15. Meaning: To scold or reprimand someone.

  16. Coco de la risa

  17. Translation: "Head of laughter."
  18. Meaning: A person who finds everything funny or laughs easily.

  19. Coco al aire

  20. Translation: "Head in the air."
  21. Meaning: Someone who is impractical or not grounded in reality.


The word "coco" comes from the Spanish language, derived from the Portuguese word "coco," which means "coconut" and likely originates from the term "cocare," meaning "to knock." The resemblance of the hard shell of the coconut to the human skull may have influenced its colloquial meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Coco (in the context of coconut): nuez de coco, fruta tropical.

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms in a strict sense, but in a figurative context referencing "coco" as "head," one might consider "sensatez" (sense) as an opposite.

This comprehensive breakdown provides an overview of the word "coco," encompassing its meanings, uses, idiomatic expressions, and more, reflecting its significance in the Spanish language and various cultures.
