coctel - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coctel (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

coctel (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word coctel refers to a mixed alcoholic beverage that typically combines various types of spirits, juices, and flavorings. In colloquial use, it can also refer to a gathering where cocktails are served or to specific recipes of mixed drinks.

Frequency of Use

The term coctel is commonly used in both oral and written forms, but it tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, especially in menus, recipes, and during formal events.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gustaría pedir un coctel de frutas para empezar la cena.
    (I would like to order a fruit cocktail to start the dinner.)

  2. En la fiesta, servimos un delicioso coctel tropical.
    (At the party, we served a delicious tropical cocktail.)

  3. El barman mezcló un coctel exótico que sorprendió a todos.
    (The bartender mixed an exotic cocktail that surprised everyone.)

Idiomatic Expressions with "coctel"

The word coctel is often used in idiomatic expressions related to social gatherings or events. Below are some examples:

  1. Hacer un coctel de ideas.
    (To create a cocktail of ideas.)
    Referring to combining various ideas creatively in discussions.

  2. Coctel de bienvenida.
    (Welcome cocktail.)
    An informal gathering to greet guests, usually accompanied by drinks.

  3. Coctel de sabores.
    (Cocktail of flavors.)
    Refers to a mix of different tastes in a dish or drink, highlighting the variety.

  4. Coctel de sorpresas.
    (Cocktail of surprises.)
    Describing an event or situation filled with unexpected elements.


The word coctel is borrowed from the French term cocktail, which itself has origins that are somewhat debated. It is thought to possibly derive from a word meaning "rooster’s tail" referring to the colorful appearance of the drink's mix or may stem from other linguistic influences on mixed drinks in the 19th century.

Synonyms and Antonyms


