codo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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codo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "codo" primarily refers to the anatomical part of the arm known as the elbow. It can also refer to the bent shape or corner of certain structures. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, appearing in medical, technical, and everyday conversations. Its usage is common and versatile in the Spanish language.

Examples in Sentences

  1. El médico revisó el codo del paciente para asegurarse de que no hubiera fracturas.
    The doctor examined the patient's elbow to ensure there were no fractures.

  2. Ella se golpeó el codo mientras jugaba baloncesto.
    She bumped her elbow while playing basketball.

  3. Coloca el libro en la esquina del codo de la mesa.
    Place the book in the inner corner of the table.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "codo" is prevalent in several idiomatic expressions, often relating to frugality or hardship. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. No hay que ser codo.
    One should not be stingy.
    This expression discourages stinginess, suggesting that one should be generous.

  2. Ser más codo que una patata.
    To be stingier than a potato.
    This idiom is used to characterize someone as extremely stingy or unwilling to spend.

  3. Codo a codo.
    Elbow to elbow.
    This phrase indicates being side by side or working closely with someone.

  4. Estar con el codo en la mesa.
    To be with your elbow on the table.
    This expression refers to being very casual or relaxed during a meal or conversation.

  5. Codo de botella.
    Bottle elbow.
    Used to describe the curve of a bottle, particularly in a technical or design context.


The word "codo" originates from the Latin word "codo," which also means elbow. This term has been retained with similar meanings in many Romance languages, signifying its anatomical and functional significance.


