codo a codo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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codo a codo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The expression "codo a codo" is an idiomatic phrase in Spanish that means working together or cooperating closely with someone. It is often used to express solidarity and teamwork. The phrase is notably used in both oral and written contexts, although it tends to be more prevalent in oral speech, particularly in informal settings. It conveys a sense of collaboration and mutual support.

Example Sentences

  1. Los dos ingenieros trabajaron codo a codo para finalizar el proyecto a tiempo.
  2. The two engineers worked side by side to finish the project on time.

  3. En esta crisis, es importante que todos los empleados estén codo a codo para encontrar una solución.

  4. In this crisis, it's important that all employees work shoulder to shoulder to find a solution.

  5. Los estudiantes deben trabajar codo a codo para lograr el mejor resultado en el examen grupal.

  6. The students must work side by side to achieve the best result in the group exam.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "codo a codo" is utilized frequently in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish language.

  1. Estamos codo a codo con nuestros aliados en esta causa.
  2. We are shoulder to shoulder with our allies in this cause.

  3. Los médicos y enfermeros están trabajando codo a codo en la lucha contra la pandemia.

  4. The doctors and nurses are working side by side in the fight against the pandemic.

  5. Los compañeros de trabajo deben estar codo a codo para cumplir con los objetivos de la empresa.

  6. Coworkers must be shoulder to shoulder to meet the company's objectives.

  7. En el proyecto de restauración, los artistas codo a codo para revivir la obra maestra.

  8. In the restoration project, the artists worked side by side to revive the masterpiece.


The expression "codo a codo" is derived from the Spanish words "codo," which means "elbow," and "a," which means "to" or "at." The imagery of elbows touching implies closeness and collaboration, illustrating a physical and metaphorical proximity when working together.



This comprehensive breakdown offers insight into the use, meaning, and idiomatic nature of the phrase "codo a codo" within the Spanish language.
