coeficiente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coeficiente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (sustantivo)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "coeficiente" refers to a numerical factor or constant that quantifies a relationship in a mathematical expression or equation. In various fields, it is used to describe how one variable changes in relation to another. The word is commonly used in mathematics, physics, economics, and statistics.

Frequency of use: The term is moderately frequently used, especially in written academic contexts, such as textbooks and research articles. It is also used in oral speech, particularly in academic or formal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El coeficiente de correlación mide la relación entre dos variables.
    The correlation coefficient measures the relationship between two variables.

  2. Para resolver la ecuación, necesitamos calcular el coeficiente.
    To solve the equation, we need to calculate the coefficient.

  3. El coeficiente de fricción es importante en la ingeniería mecánica.
    The coefficient of friction is important in mechanical engineering.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "coeficiente" does not have many established idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with mathematical contexts and expressions. Below are a few relevant phrases that include the term or its nuances in conceptual expressions:

  1. Coeficiente de determinación: Un término que se refiere a la proporción de la variación total de una variable que es explicada por otra variable.
    Coefficient of determination: a term that refers to the proportion of total variation of one variable that is explained by another variable.

  2. Coeficiente de rendimiento: Es la medida de eficiencia en tareas económicas o de producción.
    Coefficient of performance: it is the measure of efficiency in economic or production tasks.

  3. Coeficiente de variación: Es una medida que se usa en estadísticas para indicar la relación entre la desviación estándar y la media.
    Coefficient of variation: it is a statistical measure that indicates the relationship between the standard deviation and the mean.

  4. Coeficiente de regresión: Un valor que representa la relación de cambio entre una variable dependiente y una o más variables independientes en un modelo de regresión.
    Regression coefficient: a value representing the rate of change between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables in a regression model.


The word "coeficiente" comes from the Latin "coefficientem," which is a compound of "co-" (together) and "efficientem" (producing), implying that it assists in calculating or producing a result in mathematical contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


