coercitivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coercitivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "coercitivo" is used to describe any action or measure that compels an individual to act against their will or restricts their freedom of choice. In general contexts, it often relates to situations where someone feels pressured or forced into a particular action or decision. In legal and social contexts, it may refer to laws or regulations that impose obligations or penalties. In physics, it might be used in discussions about forces acting on an object that limit movement or behavior.

Frequency of Use

The word "coercitivo" is moderately used in written contexts, such as academic texts, legal documents, or articles discussing societal issues. It is less common in everyday spoken language but can appear in discussions surrounding law, rights, and ethics.

Example Sentences

  1. Las medidas coercitivas del gobierno han generado un gran debate en la sociedad.
    The coercive measures of the government have generated a great debate in society.

  2. El uso de técnicas coercitivas en interrogatorios está prohibido por la ley.
    The use of coercive techniques in interrogations is prohibited by law.

  3. La presión coercitiva sobre el empleado fue evidente durante la reunión.
    The coercive pressure on the employee was evident during the meeting.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "coercitivo" is frequently used in expressions concerning authority, power dynamics, and social obligations.

  1. "Métodos coercitivos"
    Coercive methods
  2. Los métodos coercitivos utilizados por las autoridades son muy controvertidos.
    The coercive methods used by the authorities are very controversial.

  3. "Tácticas coercitivas"
    Coercive tactics

  4. Las tácticas coercitivas de la empresa han sido denunciadas por los trabajadores.
    The company's coercive tactics have been reported by the workers.

  5. "Presión coercitiva"
    Coercive pressure

  6. La presión coercitiva puede tener efectos negativos en la salud mental de los individuos.
    Coercive pressure can have negative effects on individuals' mental health.

  7. "Control coercitivo"
    Coercive control

  8. El control coercitivo en una relación es un signo de abuso emocional.
    Coercive control in a relationship is a sign of emotional abuse.

  9. "Estratégias coercitivas"
    Coercive strategies

  10. Las estrategias coercitivas no son efectivas a largo plazo en la resolución de conflictos.
    Coercive strategies are not effective in the long-term resolution of conflicts.


The term "coercitivo" originates from the Latin word coercitivus, which means "to restrain" or "to confine." It comprises the prefix "co-" meaning "together" or "with," and "arcere," which means "to confine" or "to shut in."

Synonyms and Antonyms



Through this comprehensive examination of "coercitivo," it is evident that this term carries significant weight in various domains, particularly in discussions around law, morality, and interpersonal dynamics.
