cofre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cofre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cofre" generally refers to a container or box that is used to store valuable items, personal belongings, or treasures. In a broader context, it can also imply a sense of security or safekeeping. In Spanish, "cofre" is frequently encountered in both oral and written contexts, particularly in storytelling, literature, and discussions about furniture or storage.

Example Sentences

  1. El cofre de la abuela estaba lleno de recuerdos familiares.
    Grandma's chest was full of family memories.

  2. Encontré un cofre antiguo en el desván.
    I found an ancient box in the attic.

  3. Guardó sus joyas en un cofre seguro.
    She kept her jewelry in a safe coffer.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cofre" may not be part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts to imply safekeeping or treasure.

  1. El conocimiento es un cofre que hay que abrir lentamente.
    Knowledge is a chest that must be opened slowly.

  2. Su corazón es un cofre de secretos.
    Her heart is a chest of secrets.

  3. Cada experiencia es un cofre que guarda lecciones valiosas.
    Every experience is a box that holds valuable lessons.


The word "cofre" comes from the Latin word "cophinus," which means a basket or a container. Over time, it evolved in the Romance languages, leading to its modern usage in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caja (box) - Arcón (chest) - Baúl (trunk)

Antonyms: - Vacío (empty) - Desprotegido (unprotected)

By using the word "cofre" in different contexts, speakers can express ideas related to safekeeping, value, and personal history, making it a versatile term in the Spanish language.
