cogida - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cogida (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cogida" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /koˈxi.ða/.

Translation Options into English

The word "cogida" can be translated into English as: - grabbing - catch - hold - bump (in specific contexts) - seizure (in medical/technical contexts)

Meaning and Usage

In colloquial Spanish, "cogida" generally refers to the act of grabbing or catching something. It is often used in informal contexts to describe a physical action. The frequency of use varies, but "cogida" is more common in spoken language than in written text. Its meaning can change significantly depending on context, such as describing an unexpected situation or event.

Example Sentences

  1. Me dio una cogida cuando traté de correr.
  2. "I got a grab when I tried to run."

  3. Tuve una cogida en la fiesta cuando me empujaron.

  4. "I had a bump at the party when someone shoved me."

  5. La cogida del balón fue perfecta.

  6. "The catch of the ball was perfect."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cogida" may not be as commonly used in idiomatic expressions as other words, but it does appear in some colloquial phrases related to unexpected situations or physical actions. Below are some examples:

  1. No te dejes llevar por la cogida del momento.
  2. "Don’t get carried away by the catch of the moment."

  3. La cogida me dejó sin palabras.

  4. "The catch left me speechless."

  5. Con una buena cogida, puedes ganar la carrera.

  6. "With a good catch, you can win the race."

  7. No fue una buena cogida, me lastimé.

  8. "It wasn't a good grab, I got hurt."

  9. Tuvo una cogida inesperada en la conversación.

  10. "He had an unexpected catch in the conversation."


The word "cogida" originates from the verb "coger," which means "to take" or "to grab." The transition from the verb to noun form follows a common Spanish linguistic pattern.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "cogida" is a colloquial noun primarily used in the context of informal speech, denoting the act of seizing or grabbing something. It appears in various expressions and has a clear etymological link to the verb "coger."
