coherente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coherente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "coherente" in Spanish refers to something that is logical, consistent, or makes sense. It is often used to describe arguments, thoughts, ideas, or pieces of writing that flow logically and are well-structured. The frequency of use is moderate; it appears both in oral and written contexts but may be more frequently found in academic or formal written communication.

Example Sentences

  1. El argumento presentado por el abogado es muy coherente.
    The argument presented by the lawyer is very coherent.

  2. Es importante que las ideas en un ensayo sean coherentes.
    It is important for the ideas in an essay to be coherent.

  3. Su discurso carecía de un hilo coherente.
    His speech lacked a coherent thread.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "coherente" is often used in idiomatic expressions, although it is less common as a component of set phrases. Here are a few examples where "coherente" can be associated with broader meanings:

  1. Tener un razonamiento coherente.
    To have coherent reasoning.
  2. Es esencial tener un razonamiento coherente para resolver problemas.
    It is essential to have coherent reasoning to solve problems.

  3. Ser coherente con uno mismo.
    To be coherent with oneself.

  4. Ser coherente con uno mismo ayuda a establecer una buena autoestima.
    Being coherent with oneself helps to establish good self-esteem.

  5. Una explicación coherente.
    A coherent explanation.

  6. La profesora brindó una explicación coherente sobre el tema.
    The teacher provided a coherent explanation about the topic.


The word "coherente" originates from the Latin word "coherentem," which is the accusative form of "cohaerens," meaning "sticking together." It is formed from the prefix "co-" (together) and "haerere" (to stick).

Synonyms and Antonyms


