cohibir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cohibir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "cohibir" refers to the act of inhibiting or restraining someone from doing something, often due to shyness, self-consciousness, or social norms. In Spanish-speaking contexts, it is commonly used to describe situations where a person feels held back or restricted, especially in social interactions.

In terms of frequency, "cohibir" is more frequently used in written contexts, such as literature or formal communication. However, it can also appear in oral speech, particularly when discussing feelings or social dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. Él se siente cohibido al hablar en público.
    He feels inhibited when speaking in public.

  2. La presencia del jefe lo cohibió durante la reunión.
    The presence of the boss restrained him during the meeting.

  3. No te cohibas, comparte tus ideas con nosotros.
    Don't hold back, share your ideas with us.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cohibir" is not heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, it does appear in contexts that describe social behavior and self-restraint. Here are some examples:

  1. No dejes que la timidez te cohiba.
    Don't let shyness hold you back.

  2. A veces, es bueno cohibirse y escuchar antes de hablar.
    Sometimes, it's good to restrain oneself and listen before speaking.

  3. Cohibirse por miedo al juicio de los demás no es saludable.
    Holding back out of fear of others' judgment is not healthy.


The word "cohibir" comes from the Latin "cohibere," which means "to hold together" or "to restrain." This root reflects the verb's connotation of holding something back or stopping it from happening.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "cohibir" encapsulates the idea of inhibiting actions or feelings, particularly in social contexts, with rich meanings and applications in both spoken and written communication.
