coincidir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coincidir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

coincidir is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/koinθiˈðiɾ/ in Castilian Spanish and /koinsiˈðiɾ/ in Latin American Spanish.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb coincidir means to occur or exist at the same time or to match in some aspects. It is frequently utilized in both oral and written contexts. The usage is common in everyday conversation, especially when discussing events that happen simultaneously or when expressing agreement between ideas or opinions.

Example Sentences

  1. Nuestros horarios no suelen coincidir.
    Our schedules don't usually coincide.

  2. Es interesante cómo sus opiniones coinciden en la mayoría de los temas.
    It's interesting how their opinions coincide on most topics.

  3. Las vacaciones de verano suelen coincidir con la temporada turística.
    Summer vacations often coincide with the tourist season.

Idiomatic Expressions

coincidir is also used in various idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. Coincidir en puntos de vista
    To coincide in viewpoints
  2. Es raro que dos políticos importantes coincidan en puntos de vista.
    It is rare for two important politicians to coincide in viewpoints.

  3. Coincidir en el tiempo
    To coincide in time

  4. Me gusta que mis días libres coincidan en el tiempo con las fiestas.
    I like that my days off coincide in time with the holidays.

  5. Coincidir en la opinión
    To agree in opinion

  6. Ambos coinciden en la opinión de que la educación es fundamental.
    They both agree in the opinion that education is fundamental.

  7. Coincidir con un evento
    To coincide with an event

  8. La conferencia va a coincidir con la feria del libro.
    The conference is going to coincide with the book fair.


The word coincidir comes from the Latin term coincidere, which means "to fall together." The prefix "co-" means together, and "incidere" means to fall upon or to cut into.



This structured overview provides comprehensive insights into the verb coincidir as used in the Spanish language.
