cojinete autolubricador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cojinete autolubricador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English


"Cojinete autolubricador" refers to a self-lubricating component used in mechanical engineering, often in the form of bearings or bushings. These components are designed to reduce friction by providing their own lubrication, thus requiring minimal maintenance.

This term is mostly used in technical or polytechnical contexts, both in written and oral speech, especially when discussing machinery operating in various industries.

Example Sentences

  1. El cojinete autolubricador permite un funcionamiento suave y sin necesidad de lubricación adicional.
  2. The self-lubricating bearing allows smooth operation without the need for additional lubrication.

  3. Los cojinetes autolubricadores son ideales para aplicaciones en las que el acceso para el mantenimiento es limitado.

  4. Self-lubricating bearings are ideal for applications where access for maintenance is limited.

Idiomatic Expressions

In this case, "cojinete autolubricador" is a technical term and not typically used in idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms