cojo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cojo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cojo" primarily means "lame" or "disabled," particularly in reference to a person or animal with some form of mobility impairment. It can also be used informally to refer to a man or guy. The word is derived from the noun "cojera," which means "lameness."

The frequency of use for "cojo" varies. In its literal sense (referring to a physical disability), it may be less common in everyday conversation, often replaced by more sensitive terminology. In informal contexts, especially among peers, it may be employed more casually to describe a male.

Example Sentences

  1. Sentence: Aquel hombre es cojo, pero camina con una muleta.
    Translation: That man is lame, but he walks with a crutch.

  2. Sentence: El cojo del barrio siempre tiene historias interesantes.
    Translation: The guy from the neighborhood always has interesting stories.

  3. Sentence: No me gusta hablar de los cojos como si fueran diferentes.
    Translation: I don't like to talk about disabled people as if they were different.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cojo" is not typically seen in many idiomatic expressions, it can take part in phrases that reflect social sentiments towards disability.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Sentence: Cuando se trata de fútbol, él es un cojo para dar pases.
    Translation: When it comes to soccer, he is a poor passer.

  2. Sentence: A pesar de ser cojo, siempre encuentra la manera de llegar a la cima.
    Translation: Despite being disabled, he always finds a way to reach the top.

  3. Sentence: A veces, un cojo puede ser más ágil que otros.
    Translation: Sometimes, a lame person can be more agile than others.

  4. Sentence: A ese cojo no le gustan las bromas sobre su estado.
    Translation: That guy doesn't like jokes about his condition.


The word "cojo" comes from the Latin "coxus," which referred to a "lame" or "crippled" person. It has evolved in form and usage over centuries.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview should provide you with a solid understanding of the word "cojo" in various contexts.
