colada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Colada" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "colada" primarily refers to the act of straining or filtering a liquid. It is commonly used in cooking, especially in the context of preparing beverages or sauces where solid elements are removed to achieve a smoother consistency. The term can also refer to specific drinks made by blending ingredients and then straining them, such as fruit or coconut drinks.

In colloquial language, particularly in Colombia and Ecuador, "colada" can refer to a drink made with various ingredients, often including fruit or coffee. The word is moderately frequent and is more commonly encountered in oral speech, especially in informal or culinary contexts, than in formal written language.

Example Sentences

  1. "Voy a hacer una colada de frutas para la fiesta."
    "I am going to make a fruit drink for the party."

  2. "La colada de café es mi favorita en la mañana."
    "The coffee strain is my favorite in the morning."

  3. "Después de cocinar, hice una colada para quitar los residuos."
    "After cooking, I strained to remove the residues."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Colada" is also used in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in Latin American cultures. Below are a few examples:

  1. "No te sueltes de la colada."
    "Don't let go of the strain." (Meaning: Don't give up easily or don't lose grasp of your goals.)

  2. "Hacer una colada"
    "To make a strain." (Refers to sifting through options before making a decision.)

  3. "Estar colado por alguien"
    "To be strained for someone." (Meaning: To have a crush on someone.)

Example Sentence of Idiomatic Usage

  1. "Alumno colado"
    "A student who tries to sneak in."
  2. Context: Referring to someone who tries to join a class or group without permission.

  3. "Colado en el trabajo"
    "Strained at work."

  4. Context: Referring to someone who is very busy or overwhelmed with work.

  5. "Colando el café con amor"
    "Straining coffee with love."

  6. Meaning: Putting effort into making something special.

  7. "Siguió la colada para verificar la calidad."
    "He followed the strain to check the quality."

  8. Refers to checking the process of making something.


The word "colada" comes from the Spanish verb "colar," which means "to strain" or "to filter." The suffix "-ada" denotes an action or result associated with the verb. Thus, "colada" literally relates to the action of straining.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown of "colada" highlights its usage across various contexts, its idiomatic expressions, and its relevance in everyday language, particularly in Colombian and Ecuadorian Spanish.
