colado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "colado" is primarily used as an adjective. It can also function as a noun in certain contexts.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

  1. Strainer
  2. Filtered
  3. Sneak-in (in certain colloquial uses)

Meaning and Usage

In colloquial Spanish, "colado" typically refers to something that has been strained or filtered. However, its usage can also extend to a person who sneaks into a place or a situation without invitation, implying an informal context.

Frequency of use: "Colado" is moderately common in spoken Spanish and in informal written contexts, particularly when discussing topics that involve filtering or sneaking into social scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. Colado: "El café está muy colado hoy, parece que te han puesto más agua."
    Translation: "The coffee is very filtered today; it looks like they added more water."

  2. Colado: "El colado de la fiesta llegó sin ser invitado."
    Translation: "The sneak-in at the party arrived uninvited."

  3. Colado: "No me gusta cómo está colado el jugo, prefiero que tenga más pulpa."
    Translation: "I don't like how the juice is strained; I prefer it to have more pulp."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Colado" can be part of some idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often referring to situations involving sneaking or filtering.

  1. Colado en la conversación: "No quería ser colado en la conversación, pero me sentí obligado a opinar."
    Translation: "I didn't want to sneak into the conversation, but I felt compelled to give my opinion."

  2. Colarse en la fila: "Siempre hay alguien que intenta colarse en la fila del cine."
    Translation: "There’s always someone trying to sneak into the line at the cinema."

  3. Colado por la ventana: "El olor a pastel se coló por la ventana y no pude resistirme."
    Translation: "The smell of cake sneaked in through the window, and I couldn't resist."

  4. Colado en la reunión: "Se coló en la reunión sin ser invitado, lo cual fue bastante incómodo."
    Translation: "He sneaked into the meeting without being invited, which was quite uncomfortable."


The term "colado" comes from the verb "colar," which means "to strain" or "to filter." The suffix "-ado" is typically used to form adjectives in Spanish, indicating an action that has been completed.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Filtrado (filtered) - Estrado (strained)

Antonyms: - No colado (unfiltered) - Sin tipo (non-invited, informal context)

In summary, "colado" carries varied meanings in colloquial Spanish, often relating to filtering and sneaking into situations or entries, with a moderate presence in both spoken and informal written forms.
