colar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Colar" is a transitive verb primarily used in culinary contexts, referring to the act of passing a liquid through a sieve or filter to separate solids from liquids. It can also have a figurative usage in colloquial Spanish, where it means to sneak in or to enter a place without permission.

The word is frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish but may vary depending on the context (more common in recipes for the culinary meaning and in conversations for the colloquial use).

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a colar el café para que no tenga grumos.
  2. I am going to strain the coffee so it doesn't have lumps.

  3. ¿Puedes colar el jugo antes de servirlo?

  4. Can you filter the juice before serving it?

  5. Ella logró colar a su amigo en la fiesta sin que nadie se diera cuenta.

  6. She managed to sneak her friend into the party without anyone noticing.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Colar" is frequently used in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in colloquial contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. Colar la liebre
  2. To let the hare through (to sneak something past someone)
  3. No te dejes colar la liebre, pregúntale directamente.

    • Don't let the hare get past you, ask him directly.
  4. Colarse en un lugar

  5. To sneak into a place
  6. Es fácil colarse en el cine si llegas justo a la hora.

    • It's easy to sneak into the cinema if you arrive just on time.
  7. Colar una mentira

  8. To slip a lie
  9. No coles una mentira tan obvia; todos se darán cuenta.

    • Don't slip such an obvious lie; everyone will notice.
  10. Colarse por la tangente

  11. To sidetrack someone (literally "to sneak through the tangent")
  12. No me coles por la tangente, mantengamos la conversación en tema.
    • Don’t sidetrack me, let’s keep the conversation on topic.


The word "colar" comes from the Latin "colare," which means to filter or strain. This Latin verb is derived from "colum," meaning sieve or strainer. Over time, "colar" has retained its meaning related to filtering in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Filtrar (to filter) - Tamizar (to sift) - Desmenuzar (to crumble)

Antonyms: - Incorporar (to incorporate) - Mezclar (to mix)
