colear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Colear" is predominantly used in different Spanish-speaking regions to describe the action of wrestling or rolling something, often in a playful or physical context. In nautical terms, it can refer to handling or managing something aboard a ship, particularly moving items or equipment. The word is relatively informal and might be utilized more frequently in spoken language than in written contexts.


  1. "Los niños están colean en el parque."
    "The children are wrestling in the park."

  2. "El marinero tuvo que colear la red para sacar los peces."
    "The sailor had to scoop the net to catch the fish."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "colear" may not have a vast array of idiomatic expressions directly tied to it, the concept of wrestling or physically engaging in a playful way can create phrases or uses that might not be as commonly known. Here are a few example sentences contextualized with idiomatic or informal usage:

  1. "En la fiesta, todos se pusieron a colear con los disfraces."
    "At the party, everyone started wrestling with the costumes."

  2. "No te dejes colear por esa actitud, mantén tu posición."
    "Don't let yourself be knocked down by that attitude, stand your ground."

  3. "Cuando hablo de mis ideas, a veces siento que tengo que colear para ser escuchado."
    "When I talk about my ideas, sometimes I feel like I have to wrestle to be heard."


The verb "colear" derives from the Spanish word "cola," which means "tail." The term may have evolved to express the idea of physically engaging with something in a way that resembles wrestling or handling, akin to how one might deal with the end of a tail.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Luchar (to fight) - Revolver (to stir up) - Arrastrar (to drag)

Antonyms: - Separar (to separate) - Descartar (to discard) - Soltar (to release)

This comprehensive overview captures the essence of "colear" in both practical and idiomatic contexts while providing insights into its usage across different Spanish-speaking regions.
