colecta - noun
The term colecta refers primarily to the act of collecting, gathering, or assembling items or contributions, often for a particular purpose such as charity or community support. It is commonly used in contexts like fundraising events, where individuals or organizations collect donations for a cause.
Frequency of Use: The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in community, religious, and legal settings. In oral speech, it may appear in discussions about fundraising, while in written contexts, it may be found in formal reports or announcements.
The church organized a collection to help the victims of the last hurricane.
Durante la reunión, se propuso hacer una colecta para financiar la nueva biblioteca del barrio.
During the meeting, it was proposed to make a gathering to fund the new neighborhood library.
La colecta de fondos se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado en el parque central.
The term colecta is often included in idiomatic expressions related to fundraising and communal support activities. Here are a few examples:
This week we are going to make a collection to help the animal shelters.
Colecta de firmas - Collection of signatures.
The organization started a collection of signatures to request a new environmental protection law.
Cierta colecta se destina a la ayuda humanitaria. - Certain collection is dedicated to humanitarian aid.
The word colecta derives from the Latin word collecta, which signifies the act of gathering or collecting. It is closely related to the verb coleger, meaning "to gather" or "to collect."
Synonyms: - Recogida - Recaudación
Antonyms: - Dispersión - Desperdicio
The exploration of the word “colecta” reveals its importance in various socioeconomic contexts, emphasizing its role in community-building and support through organized efforts.