colegio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colegio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. School
  2. College
  3. Academy

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

"Colegio" primarily refers to a school, particularly a primary or secondary educational institution. In some Latin American countries, it can also refer to a private school. It is a commonly used term in everyday conversation and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to education. The term is quite frequent in the Spanish language, especially in regions where nuances in the type of educational institution are important.

Usage Frequency

The term "colegio" is predominantly used in both oral and written contexts, making it a versatile term in various discussions about schooling and education.

Example Sentences

  1. El colegio donde estudié estaba en el centro de la ciudad.
    (The school I attended was in the city center.)

  2. Mis hijos van a un colegio privado que tiene buenas recomendaciones.
    (My children attend a private school that has good recommendations.)

  3. Ella trabaja como profesora en un colegio de educación secundaria.
    (She works as a teacher in a secondary education school.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "colegio" is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it is relevant in specific contexts within educational phrases. Here are a few sentences that illustrate its use:

  1. Estudio en el colegio de la ciudad, que ofrece programas de intercambio.
    (I study at the city's school, which offers exchange programs.)

  2. Al finalizar el colegio, mis amigos y yo planeamos un viaje.
    (After finishing school, my friends and I are planning a trip.)

  3. Lo que aprendí en el colegio me ha servido mucho en la vida.
    (What I learned in school has helped me a lot in life.)


The word "colegio" originates from the Latin "collegium," which means "association" or "society." Over time, it evolved to refer specifically to a place of learning, reflecting its association with educational institutions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Escuela (school) - Instituto (institute) - Academia (academy)

Antonyms: - Universidad (university) – as it refers to a higher level of education beyond "colegio" - Ignorancia (ignorance) – contrasting the concept of education provided in a "colegio"

This comprehensive overview presents "colegio" as an essential term within the realm of education in the Spanish language, reflecting its uses, importance, and origins.
