colgadizo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colgadizo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "colgadizo" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "colgadizo" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kolɡaˈðizmo/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Colgadizo" refers to a structure typically used to hang or store items, like tools or agricultural equipment. It is most commonly found in contexts related to farming or outdoor activities. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is more common in oral speech, especially in rural communities in the Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Example Sentences

  1. El colgadizo en el campo es útil para guardar herramientas.
  2. The hangar in the field is useful for storing tools.

  3. Mis abuelos tienen un colgadizo donde cuelgan las redes de pesca.

  4. My grandparents have a shed where they hang the fishing nets.

  5. Te recomiendo que construyas un colgadizo para organizar tus utensilios de jardín.

  6. I recommend that you build a shed to organize your gardening tools.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "colgadizo" itself may not be frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it can be incorporated in contexts related to storage or organization.

  1. "Tener un colgadizo lleno de trastos"
  2. "To have a shed full of junk"
  3. This implies a space that is cluttered and disorganized.

  4. "Estar colgado de un colgadizo"

  5. "To be hanging in a shed"
  6. This can mean being in a difficult situation or feeling stuck.

  7. "Mantener el colgadizo en orden"

  8. "To keep the shed in order"
  9. This refers to maintaining organization in one's life or tasks.


The term "colgadizo" likely derives from the Spanish verb "colgar," which means "to hang." The suffix "-izo" is often used in Spanish to form adjectives, but in this case, it functions to indicate a noun that pertains to hanging or suspension.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cobertizo (shelter) - Almacén (storehouse)

Antonyms: - Despejado (clear, uncluttered) - Aéreo (airborne, implying no encumbrance)

This comprehensive overview of "colgadizo" should provide insight into its usage and significance in the Spanish language, particularly as it relates to the contexts of the Dominican Republic and Cuba.
