colgante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colgante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "colgante" is primarily a noun, and it can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "colgante" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kolˈɡante/.

Translation Options into English

"Colgante" can be translated into English as: - Pendant - Hanger - Hanging piece (as an adjective)

Meaning and Usage

The term "colgante" generally refers to an object that is designed to hang or be suspended. In the context of jewelry, it often denotes a pendant that hangs from a chain or string. In architecture, it can refer to any hanging element, such as a light fixture or decor attached to a ceiling.

Frequency of Use:
"Colgante" is used moderately in both spoken and written contexts but can often be found in more formal or specific discussions, such as when referring to jewelry or architectural elements.

Example Sentences

  1. El collar tiene un colgante de plata muy bonito.
    The necklace has a very beautiful silver pendant.

  2. Los colgantes de las luces en la sala son modernos y elegantes.
    The hanging lights in the living room are modern and elegant.

  3. Ella eligió un colgante con forma de corazón para su cumpleaños.
    She chose a heart-shaped pendant for her birthday.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "colgante" may not be commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can appear in specific phrases related to art or architecture. Here are some notable examples:

  1. "Colgante en el aire"
    Hanging in the air
  2. Este adorno colgante en el aire añade un toque de magia a la habitación.
    (This hanging decoration in the air adds a touch of magic to the room.)

  3. "Colgante de recuerdos"
    Pendant of memories

  4. Su colgante de recuerdos siempre la hace sonreír cuando lo ve.
    (Her pendant of memories always makes her smile when she sees it.)

  5. "Colgante de la historia"
    Hanging piece of history

  6. Esa obra de arte es un colgante de la historia de nuestra cultura.
    (That artwork is a hanging piece of the history of our culture.)


The word "colgante" comes from the verb "colgar," which means "to hang." The suffix "-ante" typically indicates an active or present participle, forming "colgante" to signify something that is hanging or suspended. The roots of "colgar" trace back to Latin "collocare," combining "com-" (together) and "locare" (to place).

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Suspenso (suspended) - Pendant - Adorno colgante (hanging ornament)

- Apoyado (supported, resting) - Fijo (fixed)
