collado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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collado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Collado" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "collado" primarily refers to a geographical feature. It signifies a mountain pass or a ridge, often between two peaks, typically characterized by its relatively low elevation. In different contexts, it can also denote a hill or a raised area of land.

The term "collado" is fairly common in both oral and written Spanish, although it is more frequently encountered in written contexts, such as literature, geography, or formal discussions about terrain.

Example Sentences

  1. El collado ofrece una vista espectacular de las montañas.
    The ridge offers a spectacular view of the mountains.

  2. Tomamos el camino que lleva al collado para llegar más rápido al pueblo.
    We took the path that leads to the pass to reach the village faster.

  3. Desde el collado se pueden ver varios pueblos cercanos.
    From the hill, you can see several nearby towns.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "collado" does not commonly form idiomatic expressions on its own, it can be associated with a few phrases that convey ideas of separation or meeting points, usually in the context of land or journeys.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No hay collado que no tenga su camino.
    There is no ridge that does not have its path.
    Meaning: Every challenge has a way through it.

  2. En un collado entre dos montañas se encontró la paz.
    In a pass between two mountains, peace was found.
    Meaning: Sometimes, the best solutions come from the least expected places.

  3. Cruzamos el collado en el amanecer, cuando todo estaba tranquilo.
    We crossed the ridge at dawn, when everything was calm.
    Meaning: Reflects how new beginnings bring peaceful moments.


The word "collado" originates from the Latin term "collatum," which is derived from "collis," meaning "hill." This etymology emphasizes the geographical aspect of the word, linking it to elevation and terrain.

Synonyms and Antonyms



By providing a multi-faceted view of "collado," you can appreciate its geographical significance in Spanish and its linguistic nuances.
