collar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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collar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "collar" in Spanish can refer to a piece of jewelry worn around the neck (necklace), a type of necklace or ornamental band worn by animals (collar), or a neckline of a garment. In general, the term is versatile and commonly used in both oral and written contexts. It sees moderate frequency of use, with particular prevalence in everyday conversations, fashion discussions, veterinary contexts, and animal care.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella llevó un hermoso collar de perlas en la fiesta.
    She wore a beautiful pearl necklace at the party.

  2. El perro llevaba un collar rojo brillante.
    The dog wore a shiny red collar.

  3. El vestido tiene un collar de encaje que le da un toque elegante.
    The dress has a lace neckline that gives it an elegant touch.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "collar" is commonly found in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting both cultural contexts and everyday life. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Colar un collar - to take advantage of someone or something stealthily.
    Un amigo mío siempre encuentra la manera de colar un collar cuando no estoy mirando.
    (A friend of mine always finds a way to take advantage of me when I'm not watching.)

  2. Hacer collar - to gather a group of people or ideas together effectively.
    El director decidió hacer collar a todos los equipos para discutir el nuevo proyecto.
    (The director decided to gather all the teams together to discuss the new project.)

  3. Colgar el collar - to give up or retire from a situation, particularly in work or responsibility.
    Después de diez años en la empresa, decidió colgar el collar y disfrutar de su jubilación.
    (After ten years at the company, he decided to retire and enjoy his retirement.)


The word "collar" originates from the Latin word "collāris", which means "of the neck", derived from "collum" meaning "neck". It has evolved through various forms in the Romance languages, maintaining its connection to neck-related adornments and restraints.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview captures the multifaceted nature of the word "collar" in Spanish, highlighting its importance in various domains and contexts.
