colleja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colleja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Colleja" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "colleja" refers to a light tap or hit on the back of someone's head, usually given as a playful gesture or as a form of mild admonishment. It is often used in informal contexts and can convey a sense of camaraderie or teasing. While it can also be used in written texts, it is more commonly found in spoken language among friends or family.

Frequency of Use

The frequency of use for "colleja" is moderate. It is more frequently used in oral speech, particularly in casual conversations, than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. "Le di una colleja a mi hermano cuando se pasó de la raya."
    ("I gave my brother a tap on the head when he went too far.")

  2. "Cuando llegué tarde, mi madre me dio una colleja como aviso."
    ("When I arrived late, my mother gave me a light tap on the head as a warning.")

  3. "Mis amigos siempre me dan una colleja cuando hago algo tonto."
    ("My friends always give me a tap on the head when I do something silly.")

Idiomatic Expressions

"Colleja" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions but can serve as a playful gesture that highlights camaraderie. Here are some expressions and sentences involving "colleja":

  1. "No te enojes, fue solo una colleja de amigo."
    ("Don't get upset; it was just a friendly tap on the head.")

  2. "A veces, una colleja es más efectiva que mil palabras."
    ("Sometimes, a tap on the head is more effective than a thousand words.")

  3. "La colleja que le di fue solo un gesto de cariño."
    ("The tap on the head I gave was just a gesture of affection.")

  4. "Entre amigos, una colleja puede decir más que mil disculpas."
    ("Among friends, a tap on the head can say more than a thousand apologies.")

  5. "Cuando tengo una idea tonta, mis colegas me dan una colleja."
    ("When I have a silly idea, my colleagues give me a light tap on the head.")


The word "colleja" comes from the Spanish verb "collejar," which is derived from the Latin "colla," meaning "back of the neck." This reflects the physical aspect of where the gentle hit is typically aimed.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "colleja" is a playful and informal term used mainly in conversational Spanish to refer to a light tap on the back of the head, often used among friends and family as a way of expressing teasing or camaraderie.
