colmo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colmo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Colmo is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "colmo" refers to the peak or highest point of something. This can mean both a physical height or an abstract limit, such as the culmination of an event or the maximum level of a situation (e.g., "el colmo de la paciencia" translates to "the limit of patience"). Its usage appears frequently in both oral and written contexts, but it may be more common in written language, particularly in literature or formal texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El colmo de la felicidad llegó cuando se ganó el premio.
    The peak of happiness came when he won the prize.

  2. Alcanzar el colmo de la excelencia es un objetivo difícil de lograr.
    Reaching the height of excellence is a difficult goal to achieve.

  3. El colmo de la paciencia es cuando no se puede soportar más.
    The limit of patience is when one can no longer endure.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Colmo" often appears in idiomatic expressions. Below are some common phrases that include this word:

  1. El colmo de la soberbia.
  2. Translation: The peak of arrogance.
  3. Example: Su actitud despectiva fue el colmo de la soberbia.
    His disdainful attitude was the peak of arrogance.

  4. El colmo de la ironía.

  5. Translation: The height of irony.
  6. Example: Quejarse de su suerte es el colmo de la ironía.
    Complaining about his luck is the height of irony.

  7. El colmo de la desfachatez.

  8. Translation: The peak of shamelessness.
  9. Example: Decir eso fue el colmo de la desfachatez.
    Saying that was the peak of shamelessness.

  10. El colmo de la paciencia.

  11. Translation: The limit of patience.
  12. Example: Ese comentario fue el colmo de la paciencia para muchos.
    That comment was the limit of patience for many.


The word "colmo" comes from the Latin term culmo, which means 'culmination' or 'summit'. It has evolved over time in the Spanish language to signify the highest point or utmost degree of something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cima (summit) - Culminación (culmination) - Plenitud (fullness)

Antonyms: - Fondo (bottom) - Mínimo (minimum) - Desgracia (misfortune)
