colonia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colonia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Colonia" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Colony
  2. Neighborhood (in some contexts)
  3. Settlement

Meaning and Usage

The word "colonia" generally refers to a group of people or an area that is settled or controlled by another country, especially in the context of historical colonialism. In a geographical context in Mexico and other Latin American countries, "colonia" can also refer to a neighborhood or district, particularly in urban planning.

The frequency of use varies with context; "colonia" as "colony" may appear more in written texts discussing history or political science, while "colonia" as "neighborhood" can be frequently used in daily conversations, especially in urban settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La colonia de los españoles en América fue significativa para la historia.
  2. The Spanish colony in America was significant for history.

  3. Vivo en una colonia tranquila donde todos se conocen.

  4. I live in a quiet neighborhood where everyone knows each other.

  5. La colonia de abejas en el jardín produce mucha miel.

  6. The bee colony in the garden produces a lot of honey.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "colonia" can be part of various idiomatic expressions or phrases in Spanish, especially in social or political contexts. Here are some related phrases:

  1. Colonia de vacaciones
  2. A vacation colony or holiday camp.
  3. Los niños disfrutaron de su estancia en la colonia de vacaciones este verano.
  4. The kids enjoyed their stay at the vacation camp this summer.

  5. Colonia de artistas

  6. Artist colony.
  7. La colonia de artistas en el pueblo atrae a muchos turistas.
  8. The artist colony in the town attracts many tourists.

  9. Colonia penal

  10. Penal colony (a place where prisoners are sent, often in a remote location).
  11. El país aún tiene una colonia penal en una isla desierta.
  12. The country still has a penal colony on a deserted island.

  13. Colonia agrícola

  14. Agricultural settlement or colony.
  15. Fundaron una colonia agrícola para fomentar el cultivo sostenible.
  16. They founded an agricultural colony to promote sustainable farming.


The word "colonia" comes from the Latin "colonia," which means a settlement or a farm, derived from "colere," meaning to cultivate or inhabit. It historically denoted settlements established by Roman citizens in conquered territories.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive exploration of the term "colonia" showcases its varied meanings and usages in the Spanish language across different contexts.
