colorido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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colorido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word colorido refers to something that has a lot of color or vividness. It describes objects, scenes, and even abstract concepts that are characterized by a variety of colors or an appealing richness in color. In the Spanish language, it can be used to describe artwork, nature, clothing, and many other subjects that exhibit brightness or vibrancy.

In terms of frequency, colorido is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, especially in discussions about art, design, fashion, and nature.

Example Sentences

  1. El cuadro es muy colorido y llama la atención.
    (The painting is very colorful and attracts attention.)

  2. La selva tropical es colorida y diversa en flora y fauna.
    (The tropical jungle is colorful and diverse in flora and fauna.)

  3. Me gusta vestir ropa colorida en el verano.
    (I like to wear colorful clothes in the summer.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term colorido can appear in a variety of idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. Dar colorido a la vida.
    (To add color to life.)
  2. Es importante dar colorido a la vida para disfrutar cada día.
  3. (It's important to add color to life to enjoy each day.)

  4. Un lenguaje colorido.
    (A colorful language.)

  5. El autor utiliza un lenguaje colorido para hacer que su historia sea más atractiva.
  6. (The author uses colorful language to make his story more engaging.)

  7. Aportar un toque colorido.
    (To bring a colorful touch.)

  8. Ella siempre sabe cómo aportar un toque colorido a cualquier evento.
  9. (She always knows how to bring a colorful touch to any event.)


The word colorido comes from the Spanish noun color, which has its roots in the Latin word coloris. The suffix -ido is often used in Spanish to form adjectives, indicating a state or condition related to the root noun.

Synonyms and Antonyms
