columna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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columna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "columna" primarily refers to a vertical, cylindrical structure used for support in architecture, but it can also denote an article or section in a publication (e.g., a newspaper column). It is used in various contexts, including architectural, literary, and even anatomical (referring to the spinal column). The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a slightly higher frequency in written forms, especially when discussing architecture or articles.

Example Sentences

  1. La columna del edificio se derrumbó durante el terremoto.
  2. The column of the building collapsed during the earthquake.

  3. Escribí una columna sobre la historia del arte contemporáneo.

  4. I wrote a column about the history of contemporary art.

  5. La columna vertebral es crucial para el sistema nervioso.

  6. The spinal column is crucial for the nervous system.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Columna" is used in some idiomatic expressions, although not as common as other terms. Here are a few:

  1. Columna vertebral de algo
  2. Signifies the core foundation of something.
  3. Ejemplo: La educación es la columna vertebral de la sociedad.

    • Education is the backbone of society.
  4. Columna de humo

  5. Refers to a column of smoke, often used to describe a sign of fire or an explosion.
  6. Ejemplo: Desde la montaña, se podía ver la columna de humo que se elevaba.

    • From the mountain, one could see the column of smoke rising.
  7. Columna de opinión

  8. Refers to an opinion column in a publication.
  9. Ejemplo: El periodista escribió una columna de opinión que generó controversia.
    • The journalist wrote an opinion column that generated controversy.


The term "columna" derives from the Latin word "columnā," which also means "pillar" or "column," influenced by the Greek "kolumna," which carries a similar meaning. The transition into the Spanish language maintained its architectural and structural connotations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This analysis of "columna" covers its linguistic properties, usage within various contexts, idiomatic expressions, etymology, as well as synonyms and antonyms, providing a comprehensive overview of the term.
