comandante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comandante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "comandante" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "comandante" refers to a rank or position of authority, typically within military contexts. It denotes a person who has command over others and is responsible for leading operations. The term can be used in various contexts but is most prevalent in military, paramilitary, or organizational settings.

The frequency of use is relatively high in written texts, particularly in military documents, but it also appears in spoken language, especially in discussions about military affairs or leadership.

Example Sentences

  1. El comandante habló con sus tropas antes de la misión.
  2. The commander spoke with his troops before the mission.

  3. La decisión del comandante fue crucial para el éxito de la operación.

  4. The commander’s decision was crucial for the success of the operation.

  5. El comandante recibió una medalla por su valentía en combate.

  6. The commander received a medal for his bravery in combat.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "comandante" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, indicating leadership or authority dynamics. Here are some examples:

  1. Tomar el mando como un comandante.
  2. To take charge like a commander.
  3. Esto implica asumir la responsabilidad sin dudar.
  4. This means to take on responsibility without hesitation.

  5. Comandante del destino.

  6. Commander of one’s destiny.
  7. Cada persona es el comandante de su propio destino.
  8. Each person is the commander of their own destiny.

  9. El comandante de la batalla.

  10. The commander of the battle.
  11. Ella fue el comandante de la batalla que ganó el respeto de todos.
  12. She was the commander of the battle who earned everyone’s respect.

  13. Actuar como un comandante, no como un soldado.

  14. Act like a commander, not like a soldier.
  15. En situaciones críticas, es importante actuar como un comandante.
  16. In critical situations, it’s important to act like a commander.


The word "comandante" originates from the verbo "comandar," which means "to command." It has Middle Latin roots in "commandare," which translates to give order or direct an action.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "comandante" in various contexts, its usage, and its significance in the Spanish language.
