comarca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comarca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Comarca is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comarca" refers to a defined geographical area or region, often used to describe a specific district or administrative division. The term is particularly prominent in Spain and some Latin American countries, including Panama. While it can be used in both oral and written contexts, it is more frequently seen in written documents, such as legal texts, administrative literature, and geographical descriptions.

In terms of frequency, "comarca" is commonly used in discussions related to geography, politics, and local governance, often depicting areas smaller than states or provinces but larger than towns.

Example Sentences

  1. La comarca donde vivo tiene paisajes hermosos.
    The region where I live has beautiful landscapes.

  2. En nuestra comarca se realizan muchas festividades culturales.
    In our district, many cultural festivals are held.

  3. La comarca de la capital tiene una gran diversidad de pueblos.
    The area of the capital has a great diversity of towns.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comarca" itself isn't frequently part of common idiomatic expressions, it can be incorporated within phrases that reflect the ideas of community, locality, and geographical identity.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Cada comarca tiene su propio encanto."
    Each region has its own charm.

  2. "La riqueza cultural de cada comarca se refleja en su gastronomía."
    The cultural wealth of each area is reflected in its cuisine.

  3. "Cuando viajas por diferentes comarcas, puedes apreciar la diversidad del país."
    When you travel through different regions, you can appreciate the diversity of the country.

  4. "Los problemas de la comarca son tratados en reunión semanal."
    The issues of the district are addressed in the weekly meeting.

  5. "Cada comarca tiene su historia, y es importante conocerla."
    Each district has its history, and it is important to know it.


The word "comarca" originated from the Latin "comarcha," which means "district" or "region." The term has evolved through time in its usage across various Spanish-speaking regions, aligning itself with local governance structures.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "comarca" is a significant term in the context of geography and local governance in Spanish-speaking countries, conveying a sense of place and community.
