combar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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combar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Combar" refers to the action of bending or curving something. In a more specific context, it can also relate to combing hair, though this usage is less common in modern Spanish. The verb is derived from the action of making something curved or bent and is primarily used in oral speech, though it can also be found in written form.

Frequency of Use:
The verb "combar" is moderately used in conversational Spanish, especially in contexts relating to physical objects or structures that are bent. It is less common in formal writing unless discussing topics related to construction, architecture, or physical dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. El carpintero combará la madera para que encaje bien.
    The carpenter will bend the wood so that it fits well.

  2. La presión del viento empezó a combar la estructura del puente.
    The pressure from the wind began to curve the structure of the bridge.

  3. Decidí usar un peine para combar mi cabello en lugar de un cepillo.
    I decided to use a comb to style my hair instead of a brush.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "combar" itself is not frequently found in many idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases that involve the notion of bending or adapting. Here are some examples:

  1. Combar la verdad
  2. "No debes combar la verdad para salir de problemas."
    You should not bend the truth to get out of trouble.

  3. Combar la voluntad

  4. "A veces, es necesario combar la voluntad por el bien del equipo."
    Sometimes, it is necessary to bend the will for the good of the team.

  5. Combar las reglas

  6. "No podemos combar las reglas solo porque alguien quiera ganar."
    We cannot bend the rules just because someone wants to win.

  7. No combarse ante la adversidad

  8. "Es importante no combarse ante la adversidad; hay que seguir luchando."
    It is important not to bend in the face of adversity; we must keep fighting.


The word "combar" comes from the Latin combare, which means to bend or curve. This relates to the physical action of shaping or forming objects.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This structure and detailed information about "combar" give a comprehensive understanding of the word in both practical and theoretical contexts.
