combo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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combo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "combo" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "combo" can be translated to English as: - Combo - Combination

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "combo" refers to a combination of things, often used particularly in a food context (like a meal deal that combines several items for a set price). It can also refer to a combination of musical elements or various items grouped together for sale.

"Combo" is often used in both oral speech and written contexts but is more prevalent in casual conversations and marketing language. Its frequency of use is particularly high in American and Chilean contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. En el restaurante ofrecen un combo de hamburguesa y papas fritas.
  2. In the restaurant, they offer a combo of burger and fries.

  3. El combo de videojuegos viene con tres juegos a un buen precio.

  4. The video game combo comes with three games at a good price.

  5. Me gusta pedir el combo de pizza y bebida cuando salgo con amigos.

  6. I like to order the pizza and drink combo when I go out with friends.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "combo" is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions, but its application can often be seen in marketing phrases or colloquial speech. Here are a few examples:

  1. Hacer un combo de buenas decisiones.
  2. To make a combo of good decisions.

  3. El combo perfecto para una noche de película.

  4. The perfect combo for a movie night.

  5. Este trabajo es un combo de responsabilidades y oportunidades.

  6. This job is a combo of responsibilities and opportunities.

  7. Encontré el combo ideal que buscaba en esa tienda.

  8. I found the ideal combo I was looking for in that store.


The word "combo" originates from the English word "combination." It entered the Spanish language, particularly in informal or colloquial contexts, likely influenced by the globalization of pop culture and marketing.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This systematic breakdown of the word "combo" provides a thorough understanding of its use, meanings, and context in the Spanish language.
