comensal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comensal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "comensal" is primarily used to refer to someone who dines with others, or more formally, a guest at a meal. In a biological context, it denotes an organism that lives in close association with another species, often without harm to either.

In terms of frequency of use, "comensal" is more common in written contexts, especially in literature related to gastronomy, social interactions, and biology. It's less frequently used in conversational Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. La familia invitó a un comensal a su cena de Navidad.
  2. The family invited a guest to their Christmas dinner.

  3. En el estudio de la biología, un comensal puede beneficiarse de un anfitrión sin dañarlo.

  4. In biology studies, a commensal can benefit from a host without harming it.

  5. Durante el banquete, los comensales disfrutaron de una variedad de platos exquisitos.

  6. During the banquet, the diners enjoyed a variety of exquisite dishes.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "comensal" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, but there are a few phrases that can incorporate the idea of sharing a meal or company:

  1. Ser un buen comensal
  2. Aunque su conversación era aburrida, era un buen comensal.
  3. Although his conversation was boring, he was a good diner.

  4. Tener un comensal habitual

  5. Siempre espero a mi comensal habitual para almorzar.
  6. I always wait for my regular diner to have lunch.

  7. Comensal de honor

  8. El chef confirió el título de comensal de honor al crítico gastronómico.
  9. The chef bestowed the title of honorary diner to the food critic.


The word "comensal" derives from Latin "comensalis," meaning "one who eats with others," which itself comes from "comensare," meaning "to eat together." The prefix "co-" means "together," and "mensalis" relates to "mensu," meaning "table" or "meal."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Invitado (guest) - Comedor (diner) - Asistente (attendee)

Antonyms: - Soledad (solitude) - Desconocido (stranger) - Rechazo (rejection)

In this way, the term "comensal" holds significance in both social and biological contexts, with its roots tracing back to communal eating practices.
