comercial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comercial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "comercial" in Spanish refers to anything that is related to commerce or business. It is frequently used to describe activities, properties, or entities that are intended for trade or profit. This word has a broad application across general, economic, and legal contexts.

In terms of frequency, "comercial" is commonly encountered in both oral and written forms, though it might appear more frequently in written texts related to business or legal documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. El contrato de alojamiento tiene una cláusula comercial que estipula los servicios ofrecidos.
  2. The lodging contract has a commercial clause that stipulates the services offered.

  3. La ciudad ha trabajado en su desarrollo comercial para atraer más inversiones.

  4. The city has worked on its commercial development to attract more investments.

  5. La feria comercial anual se celebrará el próximo mes en el centro de convenciones.

  6. The annual trade fair will be held next month at the convention center.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comercial" is integral to several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Actividad comercial
  2. La actividad comercial ha aumentado en la región debido a la nueva normativa.
  3. Commercial activity has increased in the region due to the new regulations.

  4. Zona comercial

  5. La zona comercial del centro de la ciudad es muy concurrida los fines de semana.
  6. The commercial area in the city center is very crowded on weekends.

  7. Interés comercial

  8. El interés comercial en el producto ha crecido significativamente en los últimos meses.
  9. The commercial interest in the product has grown significantly in recent months.

  10. Ética comercial

  11. La ética comercial es fundamental para mantener la confianza de los consumidores.
  12. Commercial ethics is fundamental to maintaining consumer trust.

  13. Consejo comercial

  14. El consejo comercial está compuesto por expertos en el campo de los negocios.
  15. The commercial council is composed of experts in the field of business.


The word "comercial" comes from the Latin "commercialis," which relates to trade or commerce, derived from "c commercium," meaning trade, business, or commerce itself. This lineage highlights the longstanding importance of trade-related concepts in human society.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Negocio (business) - Mercantil (mercantile) - Empresarial (business-related)

Antonyms: - No comercial (non-commercial) - Privado (private)

This comprehensive analysis of the term "comercial" showcases its significance in various contexts within the Spanish language, highlighting its relevance in everyday speech and specialized fields.
