comicio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comicio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "comicio" primarily refers to a formal assembly or meeting, often associated with legislative processes or electoral gatherings in the context of law. It can also be understood as an election or voting event in which representatives are chosen.

In terms of usage frequency, "comicio" is more prevalent in written contexts, often found in legal documents, political analyses, and discussions regarding governance and electoral processes. It's less common in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El comicio para elegir nuevos representantes se llevará a cabo el próximo mes.
  2. The assembly to elect new representatives will take place next month.

  3. Los resultados del comicio fueron anunciados esta mañana.

  4. The results of the election were announced this morning.

  5. Es fundamental que todos los ciudadanos participen en el comicio.

  6. It is essential that all citizens participate in the assembly.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "comicio" is not commonly used in established idiomatic expressions, it can occur in various contexts related to politics and governance. Here are a few examples of its use in phrases that convey similar themes:

  1. El comicio de medio término es clave para el futuro del gobierno.
  2. The midterm assembly is key for the future of the government.

  3. La transparencia en el comicio aumentará la confianza de los votantes.

  4. Transparency in the assembly will increase voter trust.

  5. Durante el comicio, muchas promesas se hacen pero pocas se cumplen.

  6. During the election, many promises are made but few are fulfilled.

  7. La participación ciudadana es vital para un comicio justo.

  8. Citizen participation is vital for a fair assembly.


The word "comicio" derives from the Latin "comitium," which originally denoted a place of assembly or gathering of citizens to vote and engage in political discourse.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asamblea (Assembly) - Elección (Election) - Convocatoria (Call/meeting)

Antonyms: - Desunión (Disunity) - Desasamblea (Dissolution of assembly)

Overall, "comicio" is a significant term within legal and political contexts, reflecting the democratic process of gathering individuals for decision-making purposes, particularly in elections.
